Well my friends...
I’m finally spending some time to write you this email…
The last time that I seen you all – fact that I recall goes long since January, almost – until now was filed with goodbyes, hugs and kisses…
It was long that I’ve felt the first goodbye and from there a serious of farewell had take place, but I still feel it.
With all of you I’ve spent some of the most wonderful times in my life, and I’m still remembering most of them, as I go throw the small amount of pictures that I kept with me, not because I don’t have a lot, but because all moments are worth of picturing… I feel saudades…
In my new room I keep that poster that I was offered with all of your pictures, signatures, and most of all, smiles…
Since the first day, where we enthusiastically were looking for a bike, until the first month –
Throw some of this times there were a lot of Ruif’s nights, a lot of drinking and biking – well for one’s better that for other’s – and dinner together, a lot of laughs and also a lot of wiping…
But at this moment what rests in my mind is the goodbyes.
This letter isn’t suppose to be a letter of sadness but a letter of friendship, for most of you that left, saying goodbye was difficult, (I recall the strength in Stefano eyes in order not to cry) but not implying the arrogance of speaking in behalf of everyone that stayed here and speaking from my heart, my friends, is also difficult to stay here without you – of course I’m not saying it’s impossible and I’m willing to die for your return lol – but that all the spaces have a sort of memory combined with people.
Like the Ruif, like Poptahof, like
Well for you the Latin’s… I’m just happy that your goodbye was perform in a kick ass party, like no other, because it was just like that I felt some of the moments with you…
Saudade my friends, is more than to miss, is to relate the spaces with the people, to transform a simple space in a memory, is to give it a different name…
For what concerns me, I know that this letter can be a little to much sentimental, but that’s how I felt just walking throw
Well and for the rest of us that are still here, because this is also for them… saudade isn’t something that you fell just because someone left, but also that simple need to be with those that are closer because we need… it’s simply different…
I’m gonna put this letter in my blog, because the time I spent thinking in each of you, is one of many of my experiences here…
Até já…miúdos…